Idgham Rule Quick Guide

Idgham Rule Quick Guide: Upgrade Your Pronunciation Skills Now!

This is the Idgham Rule Quick Guide. Tajweed pertains to the guidelines for accurately pronouncing and reciting the Holy Quran. These guidelines include letter utterances and sounds, letter opening and concealment, and more. 

In Tajweed, there are four guidelines regarding what should happen
when a letter with Tanween (نْ) or Noon Sakinah (نْ) is followed by another letter

Continue reading this page to have a detailed understanding of Idgham in Tajweed and its many kinds.

Idgham Rule Quick Guide

At Idgham Rule Quick Guide, you should know that regarding what happens following Noon Sakinah (ن\) or other letters that accompany Tanween, there are four rules in Tajwid. Both regulations include Idgham rules.

Idgham, which means to combine one item with another, is written as (الإِدْغَام) in Arabic. Idgham is a blend of consonants and vowels in terminology, therefore these two letters are pronounced as one letter with weight and constitute one letter. 

In Tajwid scholarship, the word “Idgham” refers to a non-binding relationship. Two letters have the same sound when combined letter by letter.

To put it another way, Idgham principles describe how some letters get assimilated when they transfer from one letter to another under specific circumstances. To make the letters simpler to read more smoothly and consistently, they are joined or united in this way.

The Arabic letter Noon Sakina, also known as At-Nanween, comes before Idgham. To put it more fully, Idgham is the result of a non-nasal sound (a “Ghayar Mudgham letter”) at the start of the next word and a nasal sound (the letter Mudgham) in the same word or at its conclusion.

With tajweed rules idgham, the nasal sounds are assimilated or blended with the following non-nasal sounds, rather than being pronounced as two independent letters.

What Is Tajweed Rules Idgham?

First, let’s learn what Idgham in Tajweed means. The Arabic term for Idgham is ادغام, which means literally “to merge into another.” In the language known as Idgham, a vowel and a consonant combine to create a single letter that has the same weight as two letters when pronounced.

Meaning of idgham rules

About our Idgham Rule Quick Guide at Al ikhlas Academy, we should know that the Idgham word for “addition” is “to combine,” which is how it is translated into English. When we group things with similar characteristics, we create clusters, which ultimately make it easier for us to find what we’re looking for. Similarly, the tongue finds it simpler to combine two letters and produce the sound of the one with the more prominent feature. This is called Idgham.

What is Idgham’s Mission?

In Idgham Rule Quick Guide, we should know that Idgham’s Mission for Maintaining the cadence and rhythm of the Quranic recitation is the aim of Idgham. 

The goal of the Idgham for the aforementioned letters is to pronounce them smoothly and without interruption while combining them throughout the recitation. Applying it appropriately by Tajweed regulations is seen as beautifying the recitation.

To recite the Quran correctly and by recitation guidelines, one must master idgham, a crucial component of Tajweed.

The Idgham Letters 

The term “idgham letters” in English refers to the combining of two vowel letters to form one stressed character, usually a consonant letter. The tongue will rise one height if the reader pronounces them as one letter. It is also equivalent to two letters’ weight.

Idgham Rule Quick Guide: Arabic Letters from Idgham

The letters idghaam of noon sakinah and tanween are caused by:

 (ر) (ل) (ي) (و) (ن) (م)

Idgham characters that combine to form the word: يَرْمَلُون.

When Should the Idgham in Tajweed Be Pronounced?

Any of the six Idgham letters mentioned above will follow the Arabic letter An-Noon Es-Sakinah or the Arabic linguistic sign known as At-tanween.

In this case, both An-Noon Sakinah and Tanween will be combined into this letter to create a new sound that falls between the two sounds of the main letters.

The Arabic phonetic symbol Esh-Shaddah indicates that the stress or accent sound will be placed on the next letter.

To further clarify the meaning of the phrase Idgham, it should be noted that the term is only used when two words are combined:

the first word must finish in An-NoonEs-Sakinah or At-tanween

and the second word must start with one of the six Idgham letters

Idgham Rule Quick Guide

The next letter must be combined with the sound of Noon Sakinah or Tanween in Tajweed according to the Idghaam guidelines.

Because Shaddah is included, the next letter is given more weight.

Sukoon needs to be one of Idgham’s letters:

A letter from the Idgham alphabet, such as ي, و, ر, ل, م, and ن, must be the one containing the Sukoon.

Any of the Idghaam letters followed by Noon Sakinah or Tanween:

When any of the Idghaam letters ي, و, ر, ل, م, and ن, come after Noon Sakinah or Tanween, they become combined into the subsequent letter.

Idgham appears in the letter that follows:

The next letter is stressed, and because Shaddah is present, it is pronounced even more emphatically.

Tanween or Noon Sakinah before Idgham:

An emphasis is placed on the merged sound when Noon Sakinah or Tanween comes before the letters involved in Idghaam.

Idgham Rule Quick Guide | Makharij Rulings:

A letter with the same point of articulation as the Sukoon letter has to come after it (Makharij).

For instance, two sounds will blend if a و (waw) comes after a ن (noon) with Sukoon or Tanween.

Shadda’s Decisions involving Idgham:

There cannot be a shadda letter in the letter with the Sukoon.

Shadda is a double-form letter that does not take part in the merging process when it comes to Sukoon or Tanween following ن (noon). Rather, it is spoken independently.

Sukoon and Hamzah rulings:

A hamzah (glottal stop) or another Sukoon cannot come after the letter containing the Sukoon.

Sukoon and Hamzah are pronounced independent and do not participate in the merger process.

Tajweed rules are something that you can master with practice! Maintain your practice and seek advice from knowledgeable instructors

who can help you improve your abilities to correctly recite the Quran.

Idgham Rule Quick Guide: Tajweed’s Idgham Types

After learning the definition of Idgham in Tajweed and its alphabet, let’s concentrate on its many forms using real-world instances.

One may wonder, how many different kinds of Idghaam exist. And here’s the response:

Ghunnah and Idgham

A sound that emanates from the nose is called nasalization (Ghunnah), and it is present in the first form of Idgham.

This type applies to certain of the Idgham letters, such as (ي, ن, م, و).

They are referred to as Idgham with Ghunnah letters. Any letter that occurs after Tanween or Noon Sakinah will have its Tanween or Noon Sakinah sound removed

and its preceding letter will combine with the Idgham letter.

Without Ghunnah, Idgham

Idgham Rule Quick Guide about Without Ghunnah type, there are two Idgham letters: Laam (ل) and Raa (ر).

If either of these letters arrive before Noon Sakinah,

Noon Sakinah will be omitted,

and the subsequent letter will merge with either Laam or Raa. 

The reciter in this kind,

whereby Tanween is followed by either the Laam or the Raa, will not make the sound NNNNN that results from Tanween’s presence.

With Meem Saakin in Idgham

Idgham Rule Quick Guide:

Meem Saakin presents another example of Idgham

when it is followed by another Meem that has a Harakah within a word or in between two words.

The reason this situation is named إدغام مثلين صغير is that the Idgham occurs between two meems that share the same letter.

Here are a few instances of Idgham from the Qur’an:

(كَلا بَلْ رَانَ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِم ما كَانُوا يَكْسِبُون)

In this example, the sound of Ghunnah is heard as the Meem Saakin merges into the voweled Meem that came after it.

We’ve covered the Tajweed definition of Idgham,

Arabic Idgham letters,

an English explanation of the key Idgham rules,

and instances of Idgham from the Qur’an. 

Gaining knowledge of and putting these Idgham guidelines into practice will enable you to recite the Qur’an more beautifully and accurately than the Prophet PBUH and his companions did.


Tajweed is a phrase used in language to describe exact pronunciation judgments made when reciting the Qur’an. These decisions include pronouncing letters correctly to generate the right sounds of Arabic letters, including the phonetic opening and closing of letters.

Therefore, learning the Tajwid rules under the guidance of a professional instructor

at Al Ikhlas Academy is vital to accurately reading the Qur’an and one of these crucial teachings is the Idgham rules.

For children and adults looking to learn Arabic, Islamic Studies

and the Quran Al Ikhlas Academy provides the greatest online tajweed courses taught by local Arab male and female instructors. 

These classes will provide you with the necessary direction to become proficient in reciting the Qur’an enabling you to join the esteemed group of virtuous scribes in paradise.

So sign up for our Tajweed online courses right now.

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