learn noorani qaida for kids

The ABCs of Quran: A Playful Guide to Noorani Qaida for Kids

Speaking of learn noorani qaida for kids. Al-Qaeda Al-Nouraniyah is a scientific method specific to the Sharia sciences or Islamic sciences, especially those that are related to the Book of Allah Almighty, the Holy Qur’an. It is a basis for teaching these sciences to young children.

So it requires many key skills in teaching methods. Is this the main information about learn noorani qaida online only, or is there any special information related to learn noorani qaida and methods of teaching it? This is what we learn about through this article.

How to teach Qaida to kids?

qaida online is an important way to teach the sciences of the Qur’an, especially to children, as the child can complete the reading with the rules of Tajweed.

And the correct exits of the Arabic letters while reading the Qur’an at a young age, as a four-year-old child can learn noorani qaida online according to the following steps:

  • In the first step in qaida online; The child begins to learn the alphabet. Arabic consists of 28 letters, and memorizing them well with the correct formation and pronunciation of the letters, such as tafkhim, tarqiq, etc.
  • In the second step; The child moves on to learn to read the Qur’an. He is generous with the correct rules of Tajweed through repeated listening to the verses.
  • The third step: to learn noorani qaida for kids, it is important to teach the children to commit to pronouncing the letters with fatha, such as pronouncing the letter Ha like this (Ha) or the letter Ta like this (Ta’), and so on in all letters.
  • In the fourth step; The child learn noorani qaida at a more difficult level in learning the compound letters in particular, as he learns to read and pronounce these letters through hearing more than writing.

Such as the letter La, where the teacher teaches him that this letter is the letter Lām and Alif together, but the focus is on pronunciation more than writing.

  • In the fifth step; Children are taught the separated letters or the Noorani letters. The child learns noorani qaida online through repeated pronunciation of these letters and the rules of intonation in them while reading the verses.
  • In the sixth step, children learn the three important vowels in the Arabic language, which are fatha, dhamma, and kasra, by repeatedly repeating the vowels of the letters and then pronouncing them and applying them in reading verses.
  • In the seventh and final step; The child will be clear enough to read and differentiate between the three previous vowels, the letters affected by the sukun, and how to pronounce the shudha and its letters.

Note; learn noorani qaida for kids is a rule of great importance for teaching the Holy Qur’an and the rules of recitation, and it is one of the wonderful rules in general.

For teaching the Arabic language easily and smoothly to children, so be sure, my Muslim brother, to teach it to your children.

learn noorani qaida for kids online

learn noorani qaida for kids or qaida online method is one of the great sciences related to the Holy Quran. It is also defined as the method used to teach Arabic reading to Arabic speakers and non-Arabic speakers, of all ages. learn noorani qaida online at Al ikhlas academy also aims to:

  • Learn the pronunciation of the letters, then how to connect the letters to each other, then learn the movements with the letters, then the lengths, and the places of stress, and this is done in a gradual, scientific manner.
  • qaida online aims to Correct the exits of letters and giving each letter what it deserves.
  • The vocabulary and structures found within qaida online are all from the Holy Qur’an.
  • Learn most of the important Tajweed rulings that are indispensable in reading the Holy Qur’an in an easy, practical way without delving into theoretical rulings.
  • Teaching the student to read Arabic smoothly and easily.
  • Taking into account the progression with the student, starting with the letters and their shapes, then the vowels and their types, as well as from easy words to more difficult words, all the way to sentences and structures.
  • The possibility of the student acquiring the skill of writing while learning to read, as each letter is presented in all its forms
  • The student acquires a good number of eloquent Arabic vocabulary and correct structures with educational meanings.

How to learn Quran easily for kids?

learn noorani qaida for kids is considered the best way to memorize the Qur’an, then starting with short surahs and using the senses of sight and hearing along with the tongue in the memorization process, in addition to listening to the verses on a daily basis and reciting with a good voice. 

Repeated listening to a Qur’anic tape in the voice of proficient reciters also helps memorize easily, and all The above helps the child to memorize the Qur’an without any effort or hardship. 

Focus must be placed on the child’s continuous review and encouragement to memorize it financially and morally. In addition to learn noorani qaida online, there are a number of ways to help children memorize the Qur’an, including the following:

Assigning the task of memorizing children to a sheik who is a skilled memorizer

Providing a good printed Qur’an, and not changing it during the preservation period. Continuously following up on what the child has memorized, making sure to communicate with the Sheikh, and inquiring about the child’s condition while memorizing the Qur’an.

Bring gifts to the children whenever they memorize a surah or any part of the Qur’an

In addition to learn noorani qaida. Listen to the child and encourage him to memorize. Make the child aware that the Holy Qur’an is a curriculum, a blessing, and a virtue, and memorizing it leads to achieving all goodness and righteousness.

Determine a specific period for the child to memorize the Holy Qur’an 

Teaching children to pray after every prayer, and to ask Allah for help in preservation and success.

Let children hear the best voices in reciting the Holy Qur’an

Express admiration for those who have memorized it, and wish the child to be like them. Accompanying the child to visit memorizers of the Holy Qur’an, and explaining that they are the best of the nation.

Benefits of learning qaida online

learn noorani qaida for kids has many benefits, which are explained as follows:

  • qaida online is considered one of the easy and useful rules in teaching the Quran to beginners and young people, especially those who are not good at reading correctly. 
  • learn noorani qaida helps whoever learns it to read without the need to spell, even if he is young. 
  • learn noorani qaida online also helps to memorize and read the Qur’an quickly, with the least effort, with the ability to complete the Qur’an within six months by looking at the Qur’an.
  • Learn the letters of the alphabet in terms of shape and pronunciation, whether they are single or compound, by mentally visualizing the shape of the letter and linking them together. 
  • You also teach movements and control in terms of shape and pronunciation.
  • Learn the original vowels in terms of form and pronunciation, in addition to helping to soften the tongue. Because of its ease.
  • Gradual rule in education; By starting with the spelling of general words, especially the words of the Qur’an that are distinguished from others by intonation.
  • The child learns the rules of Tajweed easily and masters them if taught correctly. It also helps develop the child’s intelligence and understanding so that he has a greater ability to memorize and understand than others.
  • Moves the child to an advanced level.
  • learn noorani qaida makes it easier for adults to straighten the tongue, and makes it easier for them to learn the Qur’an and its rulings in a practical manner and in a short period of time, and without the need for theoretical knowledge of the rulings.

In conclusion, learn noorani qaida for kids is a worthwhile matter, because qaida online is concerned with teaching the Arabic language and the rules of Tajweed, and thus raises the student’s level for the better. Therefore, Al ikhlas academy offers a course for learn noorani qaida online.

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