rules for reading the quran

Learn the Rules of Quran Reading with Our Step-by-Step Guide

The Rules of Quran Reading are called Tajweed, they guide you to the right recitation, when to stop, when to continue reading, and more.

Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “It will be asked to the companion of the Dunia Read and elevate (through the levels of Jannah) and beautify your voice as you were used to doing when you were in Dunia! Indeed, your position in the Jannah will be at the last verse you recite!” [Aboo Dawood]

It is our duty as Muslims to learn and enhance our Quran recitation, the rules for reading the Quran are what will help you with that. Therefore, we will teach you everything you need to know about it in this article, let’s get started.

What is the meaning of Quran rules of Tajweed?

The rules of reading Quran or as it is called tajweed rules refer to the rules that guide you to recite the verses of the Quran perfectly with no mistakes. It teaches you how to recite the Quran like our beloved prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to.

The word tajweed itself means ‘to perfect’, ‘to improve’, or ‘to beautify’. From its definition, they are the rules that will help you improve and perfect your Quran reading with a beautiful voice.


Importance of learning Tajweed.

Tajweed are the rules for reading the Quran, they are not just for reading the Quran beautifully but help you read the words correctly. In the Arabic language, there are what is called Harakat or Tashkil, they are the little marks drawn above or below the letters to change their pronunciation. When reading the Quran, you need to be aware of these marks, and the tajweed rules because if you misread a word, you might change its meaning completely. That is why you need to learn the rules of Quran reading, to read it right and understand the true meaning of the verses.


Benefits of learning the rules for reading the holy Quran.

Learning the rules of Quran reading helps you understand the meaning of the verses and establish stronger bonds with their verses. Once you come to understand the verses you want just read as if it is normal text instead you will reflect upon its verses and understand its teachings and lessons.

Furthermore, our beloved prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“One who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and precisely will be in the company of noble angels. As for the one who recites it with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, (s)he will have twice that reward.” [Al-Bukhari]

 From this hadith we can clearly see the benefits of the Quran rules of tajweed and its rewards. Even if you struggle to read the Quranic verses you will be rewarded. Because even though it is difficult for you to read you are still trying your best.


How to learn the rules of Quran reading?

You have two options, the first is learning the rules of Quran reading with an expert Quran teacher who will teach you each rule at a time in a simple way and help you understand when and how to use the rules. Someone who is an expert in Quran recitation can simplify the rules for you, let you practice your recitation, and correct your mistakes. That is why learning with a Quran tutor is better.

However, it is not the only way, the second method is learning the Quran rules of Tajweed on your own. You can listen to your favorite Quran reciter like Mishary Alafasy, try to mimic his reading then record yourself when reciting the verses and compare it to what you heard. Try to correct your recitation keep listening to the same verses and record yourself until you master them.      

Also, you can watch YouTube videos of people explaining the tajweed rules and try to practice using each rule. If you watched a video and still didn’t understand just watch another video and another one until you understand it. see if there are classes offered at the local mosque and if there are you can start learning if it is not far from your home.

Allah Almighty said:

إِنَّآ أَنزَلْنَـٰهُ قُرْءَٰنًا عَرَبِيًّۭا لَّعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ ٢

“Indeed, we have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you may understand.” [surah Yusuf, verse 2]


Learn the Rules of Quran Reading Step-by-Step.

By now you know the different methods of learning the Tajweed rules, it is time to discover the rules of Quran reading in detail. Let’s get started:

Here is the definition of two words that you will see a lot in this guide:

Ghunnah (nasal sound): Ghunnah refers to the sound that comes from the nose when reading certain letters, like the letters ‘meem م and noon ن’. Try pronouncing one of them out loud while holding your nose and you will feel a vibration, that is the Ghunnah.

Sakin: the word sakin refers to any letter with the Sukoon mark which looks like a small ‘o’.

Tanween: the word Tanween refers to the double dash written on the letters and makes a noon sound.


Noon Sakinah & Tanween

One of the most common rules for reading the holy Quran is the Noon Sakinah & Tanween. Noon Sakin refers to the letter Noon with a Sukoon and it looks like ‘نْ’, and it makes the sound ‘nnn‘ when pronounced.

Tanween is the double dash that makes a noon sound when pronouncing the letter. Here are some examples:

The word (رجلًا) is pronounced as ‘Rajula-n’.

( رجلٍ ) is pronounced as ‘Rajuli-n’.

The word ( رجلٌ ) is pronounced as ‘Rajulu-n’.

(رسولًا) is pronounced as ‘Rasula-n’.

( رسولٍ ) is pronounced as ‘Rasuli-n’.

(رسولٌ) is pronounced as ‘Rasulu-n’.



Idhar refers to making the letter clear when pronouncing it and it is applied if one of the letters [ء ه ع ح غ خ] comes after the Noon Sakinah ‘نْ’, in this case, you will pronounce the Noon without Ghunnah.

Idgham and the rules of Quran reading.

One of the rules of reading the Quran is called Idgham and it refers to merging letters. There are two types of Idgham:

  1. Idgham with Ghunnah: this type is applied if any of the letters of Idgham (ي, ن, م, و) come after a Noon Sakinah or Tanween. In this case, you won’t pronounce the tanween or Noon Sakina and instead, you will merge the letters that come before it or the letter with tanween with the Idgham letter.
  2. Idgham without Ghunnah. If the letters of Idgham without Ghunnah (ل، ر) come before Noon Sakina then you will drop the noon sakin and merge the letter that follows the noon Skainah with the Laam or Raa that comes before the noon sakina.


One of the important rules of Quran reading is called Iqlab which means to convert. It is called Iqlab because it converts the Ghunnah into a ‘meem’ sound. When to apply it? if the letter ‘ب’ comes after the Noonn Sakina or tanween.


In English, Ikhfaa means (to hide) and it is applied if you find any of the letters [ ت ث ج د ذ س ش ص ض ط ظ ف ق ك ] come after the Tanween or Noon Sakina. In this case, you won’t pronounce the Tanween or Noon Sakina, however, you will apply the Ghunnah.

Noon & Meem Mushaddad.

One of the rules of Quran reading is Noon & Meem Mushaddad. And it is applied when there is a Meem or Noom with shaddah and in this case, you will apply the ghunnah. Here are some examples:

ثُمَّ = thummma

إِنَّ = innna

The rule of Quran reading Meem Sakinah.

From its name, it is a meem with a Sukoon and it is divided into three rules:

  • Idgham Shafawi
  • Ikhfaa Shafawi
  • Izhar Shafawi
  • Ikhfaa Shafawy

The Meem Sakina Ikhfa Shafawi is applied if the meem Sakin is followed by the letter ‘ب’, then you will hide the meem Sakin and apply a Ghunnah.

  • Idghaam Shafawy

Among the rules for reading the holy Quran of Meem Sakin is Idghaam Shafawy and it is applied if the word starts with a meem and a meem Sakin after it. Then you will merge the two meems which results in the sound of Meem with Shaddah.

  • Izhaar Shafawy

If the mme Sakin is followed by any of the other alphabets then you will pronounce the meem clearly without Ghunnah.


The word Qalqalah refers to the echoing sound when pronouncing the Qalqalah letters and they are [ ق ط ب ج د ].


Among the rules of Quran reading is the Madd rule which refers to stretching the letters or elongating them. Here are the Madd letters [ ا و ى ]

Now you know the importance and benefits of learning the rules of Quran reading, how to learn them, and a detailed explanation of each rule. I hope you found what you were looking for and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask us.

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