surah fatiha for kids learning

Step-by-Step: Making Surah Fatiha Easy for Kids

surah fatiha for kids learning is one of the greatest Quranic surahs in importance, as it is the surah in which the Noble Qur’an opens, and it is the surah in which Muslims begin their prayers. The virtue and importance of surah fatiha for kids can be known through its many names that indicate this.

Such as the Mother of the Book, Al-Shifa, Al-Ruqyah, Al-Wajibah, and many others, and it is worth mentioning. There is a difference between scholars of interpretation regarding the time of its revelation. 

Some of them say that it was revealed in Mecca when prayer was obligatory, and some of them say that it was revealed in Medina when the qiblah was changed.Below we will get to know surah fatiha in english for kids.

Where was Surah Al-Fatihah revealed?

In addition to kids learning surah al fatiha. Scholars differed in mentioning the time of revelation of surah fatiha for kids. Most scholars said that it was a Meccan surah, and some scholars, including Mujahid, Al-Zuhri and others, said that it was a Medinan surah. 

It was said that half of it was revealed in Mecca and the other half in Medina. It was said that it was revealed twice: once in Mecca when prayer was made obligatory, and once in Medina. When the qibla was changed and became a Meccan and Medina.

Mecca: This is the opinion of most scholars. Al-Tha’labi narrated with his chain of transmission on the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib that he said: “The opening of the Book was revealed in Mecca from a treasure under the throne.”

Al-Tha’labi said: “And most of the scholars are upon him.” It was also narrated on the authority of Amr bin Sharhabeel that he said: “The first thing that was revealed from the Qur’an:

 الحمد للَّهِ رب العالمين 

Madinah: Al-Tha’labi narrated with his chain of transmission on the authority of Mujahid bin Jabr that he said: “The Fatiha of the Book was revealed in Medina.” Al-Hussein bin Al-Fadl said: “Every scholar has a mistake, and this is the mistake of a mujahid, because the scholars disagree with him, and two aspects indicate this: 

  • The first: Surat Al-Hijr is Meccan by consensus, and among them is the Almighty’s saying: And indeed We have given you seven of the repeats, and they are the opening of the Book, and this indicates that Allah Almighty gave it. This Surah is mentioned above. 
  • The second: It is unlikely to be said that he resided in Mecca for a few ten years without opening the Book.
  • Meccan and Medinan: Some scholars said this Surah was revealed in Mecca once, and in Medina another time, so it is Meccan and Medinan, and for this reason Allah called it Al-Mathani, because He discouraged its revelation, but it was also an exaggeration in honoring it.

surah fatiha for kids was revealed before the Hijra from Mecca, according to the opinion of most scholars, and many of them said that it was the first surah to be revealed. Ibn Ashour said: “The correct thing is that before it was revealed (إقرأ باسم ربك ) and Surat Al-Muddaththir, then Al-Fatihah.

And it was said that Surah (Sunnah and the Qalam…) was also revealed before it.” And Surah Al-Muzzammil, and some of them said that it is the first surah that was revealed in its entirety, that is, not astrologer, unlike Surat Al-Qalam. 

Some scholars have verified that it was revealed when the prayer was obligatory, so the Muslims recited it in the prayer when it was obligatory, and it was counted in a narration on the authority of Jabir bin Zaid as the fifth surah in the order in which the surahs were revealed.

Whatever it is, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, called it the Opening of the Book and ordered that it be the beginning of the Qur’an. Ibn Ashour said: This does not contradict its revelation after other surahs for a purpose.

That required its precedence before a quantity of the Qur’an was gathered to become a book. When that was gathered, Al-Fatihah was revealed so that the preamble to the book and its purposes were known from the explanation of why surah fatiha for kids learning was called the Mother of the Qur’an.

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What is objectives of Surat Al-Fatihah?

surah fatiha for kids learning is considered comprehensive and complete. It contains what no other surah in the Qur’an contains. 

It includes the three types of monotheism: divinity, monotheism of divinity, and unification of names and attributes. Among the purposes of surah fatiha for kids are the following:

  • The origins of religion and its branches.
  • Doctrine.
  • Worship.
  • Legislation.
  • Belief in the Last Day.
  • Belief in Allah’s beautiful attributes.
  • Excluding Allah in worship.
  • Seek help from Allah only.
  • Supplication and turning to Allah Almighty and asking for guidance to the true religion and the straight path.
  • Supplication to Allah for steadfastness in faith.
  • Follow the path of the righteous.
  • Avoid the path of the wrathful and the lost.
  • Telling the stories of former nations.
  • Seeing the paths of the happy and the homes of the miserable.
  • Worshiping the commands and prohibitions of Allah Almighty.

Quran Classes for Kids

What are the topics of Surat Al-Fatihah?

surah fatiha in english for kids includes all the meanings and purposes of the Great Qur’an, and among the purposes of surah fatiha for kids learning as seen by Imam Al-Saadi:

  • Proof of the reward for the servant’s deeds in this world in surah fatiha for kids.
  • surah fatiha for kids proving that the punishment for actions is just.
  • Sincerity of religion to Allah Almighty and that we worship Him and seek His help, and that is in kids learning surah al fatiha.
  • Proof that prophecy is true in the Almighty’s words in kids learning surah al fatiha because guidance cannot be achieved without the message.
  • Proving the power over the servant and that he is the true actor in surah fatiha for kids.

The virtue of Surat Al-Fatiha

It is known about surah fatiha in english for kids that it collected all the principles that came in the entire Holy Qur’an, but in a form of detail, and the revelation of this Surah first, whether in the direction of arrangement or revelation, shows the wisdom, eloquence, and knowledge of Allah.

  • There are statements by religious scholars in which they say that the comprehensive topics of surah fatiha for kids learning make them want to call it the Mother of the Book or the Mother of the Qur’an.
  • surah fatiha in english for kids is comprehensive of everything mentioned in the Book of Allah, as the first three verses bear the names of Allah and the attributes of the Most High.

And the verses that follow them indicate Allah’s power and knowledge of every small and great thing. The revolution also clarified the positions that submissive and intrusive servants will obtain and the fate of all those who go astray. 

  • The most important thing included in surah fatiha for kids learning is the three known types of monotheism, and the monotheism of names and attributes. It also stipulates that Allah is just and that the reward with which He judges His servants will be just. 

The reason that this surah was characterized by its completeness and comprehensiveness is that it included On all the foundations of religion and its many branches.

  • Allah described the surah as “seven of the many times,” and the many times means that it includes the topics mentioned in the Holy Book. 

This description is evidence of the greatness of the surah, and the reason for calling it the Mother of the Qur’an is that it includes all the matters of Islam, such as praise, praise, and reverence for Allah.

  • Explaining all of his commands, what is the status of the peasants, and the fate of others. Al-Fatihah is known as a surah with rules. 
  • The greatness of this surah is that it is one of the most important pillars of prayer that cannot be ignored. If it is not recited, the Muslim’s prayer is invalidated.

At the end of the article, surah fatiha for kids learning is extremely important, as surah fatiha for kids is one of the pillars of prayer and prayer is not valid without it, so the child must learn Al-Fatihah from the beginning, as we have pointed out the virtue of surah fatiha in english for kids as well.

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