Unveiling the Beauty of Duas for Breaking Fast in Ramadan

dua for breaking fast ramadan is perhaps one of the things that many people are searching for as the Maghrib call to prayer approaches, which is when it is time to break the fast for those who are fasting, and who are keen to seize the greatest benefit and reward for their fasting by following the guidance of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Which includes repeating dua for breaking fast in ramadan as it was reported from him – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – especially since supplication in Ramadan combines two great virtues, namely: the virtue of time and the state of fasting. 

The month of Ramadan is one of the blessed times in which prayers are answered, just as dua for breaking ramadan fast is not rejected until he breaks his fast.

Duas for Breaking Fast in Ramadan

dua for breaking fast ramadan contains several supplications for those who are fasting to relieve worries and anguish, quoted and reported from the Messenger of Allah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Among dua for breaking fast in ramadan to relieve worries are the following:

1- Among dua for breaking fast in ramadan (Oh Allah, do not return us disappointed, and give us the best of what is given to your righteous servants. Oh Allah, do not turn us away from the sea of your goodness as losers, nor astray, or astray, and forgive us until the Day of Judgment, with your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful).

2- Among dua for breaking fast in ramadan (Oh Allah, in your planning there is something that does not need tricks, and in your generosity is what is beyond hope, and in your concealment is what fills the defect, and in your forgiveness is what erases the slip, so by the power of your management and the greatness of your generosity.

I ask you, O Lord, to manage me with the best arrangements, facilitate my affairs with the best arrangements, and save me from what frightens me. You It is sufficient for me and I do not lack, and you, my Lord, will never keep me).


3- Among dua for breaking fast in ramadan (Oh Allah, help me, support me, plot for me and do not plot against me, guide me and facilitate guidance for me, and support me against those who transgress against me, my Lord, make me thankful to you, remembering you, fearful to you, obedient to you, hidden to you, and detestable to you who repent. 

My Lord, accept my repentance, wash away my sins, answer my supplications, confirm my proof, guide my heart, guide my tongue, and remove the stubbornness from my chest).

4- Among his (My Allah, how can I call upon You when I am myself, and how can I cut off my hope from You when You are You? My Allah, if I do not ask You and You give me, then who is the one I ask and He will give me? And if I do not pray to you, then you will respond to me.

Who is the one I pray to, who will respond to me, and if I do not pray to you, so that you may have mercy on me, who is the one to whom I supplicate, so that he can have mercy on me? And just as I parted the sea for Moses and saved him from drowning, may peace and blessings).


5- Among dua for breaking fast in ramadan (Oh Allah, subject all of Your creation to me as You subjected the sea to our master Moses, peace be upon him, and soften their hearts for me as iron softened for David, peace be upon him.

For they do not speak except with Your permission, their forelocks are in Your grip, and their hearts are in Your hands. You dispose of them as you wish, O Converter of hearts, make my heart firm on Your religion).

Sunnahs of supplication

dua for breaking fast ramadan is one of the best times of supplication, especially in the holy month of Ramadan, because it is an act of worship that combines the virtue of time and the virtue of worship.

  • Fasting is one of the most beloved deeds to Allah, as Allah Almighty said in a holy hadith on the authority of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who said: Allah Almighty said: Every deed of the son of Adam is for him except fasting; It is for Me and I will reward it.”
  • Begin by praising Allah Almighty, such as saying: “O my Lord, praise be to you as it befits the majesty of your face and the greatness of your power,” and increasing your praise for blessings, especially the blessing that Allah has bestowed upon us Islam.
  • Blessings be upon the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, his family, his companions, and those who follow him in good deeds before dua for breaking ramadan fast.
  • Pray with whatever supplications you can find in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet.
  • Pray with what is in your heart for what is good for you, your family, Islam, and Muslims in this world and religion
  • Asking forgiveness and repenting for sins after dua for breaking fast Ramadan.
  • Then conclude dua for breaking fast ramadan by praying upon the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, his family and his companions, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
dua for breaking fast in ramadan
dua for breaking fast in ramadan

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Etiquette of dua for breaking fast ramadan

A Muslim should turn to Allah Almighty and pray to Him, while being careful to adhere to several etiquettes for dua for breaking fast ramadan, including:

  • Loyalty to Allah Almighty alone, and not seeking help from anyone else, or joining Him in dua for breaking fast ramadan.
  • Avoiding forbidden things, and adhering to good and permissible income, food, and drink.
  • Presence of the heart, lack of heedlessness, sincerity in dua for breaking fast ramadan, certainty that Allah will respond to it, and hope of an answer from Him.
  • Beginning dua for breaking fast in Ramadan by praising Allah, praying for His Messenger Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him -, and supplicating to Allah with His most beautiful names and His highest attributes appropriate to the situation of supplication. 

else of dua for breaking fast in ramadan

  • For example, individuals perform supplications for forgiveness and mercy using the names of Allah, such as the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Forgiver, or the Forgiving. Similarly, when seeking money or a child, supplications are made utilizing the names of Allah, like Al-Karim, Al-Wahab, Al-Mannan, and so forth.
  • Ensure certain conditions when dua for breaking Ramadan fast, including: purity, facing the Qiblah, raising the hands, extending them toward the chest or face, and making their stomachs toward the sky. By joining them, or by slightly separating them.
  • Continuing to pray, not abandoning it, or stopping from it, and insisting on Allah in it; Following the example of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – in this;
  • Avoid forbidden supplications, such as supplications for severing family ties, or supplications for a child for his parents. Allah – Glory be to Him – commanded supplication for them and not against them, and He considered supplication for them to be disobedience to them.

And the severing of ties of kinship that is forbidden, just as supplication that involves sin is forbidden, such as a Muslim praying for himself, his money, or his child to perish, or praying for others without a reason that calls for them to do so. 


At the end of the text, dua for breaking fast ramadan is one of the best things a Muslim will ever do, because the month of Ramadan is one of the greatest months and the best times for supplication, so we mentioned many examples of dua for breaking fast in ramadan in our article.

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