1-arabic alphabet and phonetics

Throughout noor al bayan quran

lessons, educators emphasize providing each letter with its appropriate attention regarding its shape, pronunciation, and writing. Initial focus is on studying the form of the letter, encompassing all diacritics and various words associated with the letter. Progression to the next letter occurs only after thorough practice and mastery of the current one.

We will repeat this practice by using long vowels instead of short ones.

2-connecting letters And word formation 

Now, we move on to the second stage, which involves connecting letters using a single diacritic mark, such as ‘Fatha,’ ‘Shadda,’ or ‘Damma’.

3- Application of Additional Diacritic Rules:

This section in noor al-bayan lessons

covers the practical application of various diacritical rules, such as ‘madd’ (elongation), ‘tanween’ (vowel endings), as well as specific grammar  rules like ‘Lam Shamsiya’ and ‘Lam Qamariyah’.


In this phase to learn noor al bayan online, 

We will dive deeply into the precise details of Tajweed, understanding its rules that encompass correct pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm when reciting the Quranic verses. This includes mastering characteristics like proper articulation points, elongation, pausing, and other crucial elements crucial for the eloquent and accurate recitation of the Holy Quran.

5-The Quranic Ottoman Calligraphy and Spelling calligraphy

Ottoman Script differs from Spelling in its purpose, as it was created to set apart the Quran, with its rules and recitation, from everyday speech.

Now this is the main difference between them:

Spelling (Al-Imlai)

It Involves writing Quranic words and verses following specific spelling rules

Ottoman Script (Rasm al-Othmani)

 On the other hand, entails the structural arrangement of Quranic words based on the type of letters comprising each word within the Quranic text.

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