Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Al-Nas

Lessons from surah al nas and falaq

surah al nas and falaq is one of the short surahs in the Holy Qur’an. It is one of the Surahs of Al-Mufassal. It is a Meccan surah that was revealed to the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – in Mecca. 

The number of verses in surah al falaq al nas is six. It is the last surah in the order of the surahs of the Noble Qur’an. It is located in the thirteenth part and the sixtieth party, which is a surah from Al-Mu’awwidhatayn, and the other surah is Surah Al-Falaq. 

In what follows from this article, light will be shed on the purposes of surah al nas and falaq, the reasons for its revelation, its virtues, and surah al falaq surah al nas benefit.

What are the reasons for the revelation of surah al nas and falaq?

Before talking about the purposes of surah al nas and falaq, it is necessary to point out the reason for the revelation of surah al falaq al nas. It is known that Surat An-Nas is one of the two exorcists, and the other exorcist is Surat Al-Falaq. 

surah al falaq and nas the last two surahs in the Holy Qur’an, and they were revealed together. Some scholars have mentioned the reason for the revelation. These two surahs, and below are some sayings of scholars regarding the reason for the revelation of surah al falaq surah al nas.

It was mentioned in the book “Lubab al-Nuzul” by Al-Suyuti: “On the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said: The Jews did something to the Messenger of Allah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – and he suffered severe pain from that.

So his companions entered upon him and thought that something was wrong with him, so Gabriel brought him the two exorcists, so he sought refuge with them, so he went out to his companions in good health.”

Where was surah al nas and falaq revealed?

Qatada believed that surah al nas and falaq is a Meccan surah, and it was said that it is a Medinan surah. Because it was revealed with Surat Al-Falaq when the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – was bewitched by the Jews.

So the opinions of scholars varied regarding the place of its revelation, so it was said: It is Meccan, and it was said: It is Medinan. Ibn Abbas and Qatada believed that it is a Medinan surah, and Al-Alusi said: This saying is correct.

Because it was revealed during the magic of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him -, and he had performed the magic in Medina, as stated in the books of Sahih, and in another narration on the authority of Qatada that it is Meccan.

Lessons learned from surah al nas and falaq

surah al nas and falaq is one of the surahs of Al-Mufassal that was revealed to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in Mecca, and it is the last surah of the thirtieth part. surah al falaq and nas contains many divine directives. Therefore, in this paragraph, we will explain surah al falaq surah al nas benefit:

  • The subject of surah al falaq surah al nas revolves around proving divinity, kingship, and divinity to Allah Almighty alone, for He is the Lord of the people, their king, and their Allah.
  • Allah Almighty has singled out people to the exclusion of others who are nurtured in surah al falaq al nas. Honoring them, just as He bestowed upon them a kind of honor, and the Almighty served them as angels of His holiness. 

Because the enemy is lurking among the people, and the evil from which one seeks refuge reaches the people, where the devils cast whisperings into the hearts of the people, so they go astray and are led astray.

  • Allah Almighty makes it clear in surah al nas and falaq that He is the true King, who is independent of creation, who has the highest authority over people, who has complete dominion and comprehensive control.

Who has effective command over His creation, and who carries out His command and rule over them, however He wills, and whenever He wills.

  • surah al falaq and nas indicates that Allah Almighty is the deity who brings together all the attributes of perfection and attributes of majesty. This name includes: all the beautiful names.

Allah is the deity of people, whom hearts deify due to His greatness, and they do not comprehend the essence of His authority. Creatures deify Him, love Him, and glorify Him.

  • surah al falaq and nas equated the attribute of kingship between divinity and divinity. Because the king is the one who disposes of His words and commands, and He is the one who is obeyed when He commands.

And His sovereignty over them is dependent on His creation of them, so His sovereignty is part of the perfection of His lordship, and His being their true Allah is part of the perfection of His kingdom.

  • Allah guided His servants to seek refuge from the harm of Satan entrusted to man, who whispers when he is negligent, and disappears at the mention of Allah. 

He did not say Satan, but the whisperer; Because obsession is the most prominent characteristic of Satan and the most dangerous and harmful to man.

  • Evil comes from two sides: the insinuation of the soul and the instigation of Satan. Whatever your soul hates for yourself is from Satan, so seek refuge with Allah from it, and whatever your soul loves for yourself is from yourself, so forbid it from it.
  • surah al falaq surah al nas can be read before sleeping along with Surat Al-Falaq and Al-Ikhlas, and a person can protect himself with it from the evil of people and can protect himself with it.

Before sleeping by reading surah al nas and falaq and blowing in the hand, then touching the bed and touching as much of his body as he can and sleeping safely.

  • surah al falaq and nas is used in legal ruqyah to protect a person from all the evils that can surround a person, most notably the evils of people and the machinations of people that always occur.
  • There have been many prophetic hadiths that confirm the virtue of surah al falaq al nas, making sure to recite it daily, in the morning and evening remembrances, and after every prayer.
  • Proving the divinity of Allah Almighty and that He is the one Allah who is able to protect His servants from all evil and to whom we must resort in all difficult circumstances and to whom we must always turn.
  • surah al falaq surah al nas confirms that Allah Almighty is the true King and the one who possesses the most powerful thing, which is the highest and true authority in life, and there is no authority after or before Him, for He is the King of all servants and of all creatures.
  • surah al falaq al nas confirms the perfection of Allah Almighty, that He is the best deity, and that He, Glory be to Him, has guided people to the necessity of returning to Him and seeking refuge in Him from all evil, from the harm of Satan.

The harm of Satan’s offspring, and the harm of Satan’s followers from mankind and jinn, for He is capable of destroying them and protecting humans from them.


At the end of the article, surah al nas and falaq are among the Meccan surahs and short surahs of the Holy Qur’an. surah al falaq al nas included many provisions specific to the Islamic faith and the instructions it contains, and therefore we mentioned surah al falaq surah al nas benefit in our article.

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